Thursday, November 1, 2007

Nonsense Pay Adjustment

Great. Just great. Just when you think your pay is already quite low. Bang! Here comes the news that there will be pay adjustment made. But guess what. It will be only given to the so called top 15 percent top performance employees while the rest of the 85 percent employees can either stay and suck thumb or leave. In the first place, the grading is already bias and unfair. Think must 'san ka' the bosses to be placed in their top 15 percent list.

Maybe their main objective is to reduce the headcount in the company but do not wish to compensate them. By adopting this strategy, the 'underperformed' employees will resign on their own. On my way to a new beginning and must try to F*** care about what is happening here.

Thursday, October 25, 2007


Just came back from reservice and heard this chinese song. Find it very nice and hence decided to share with visitors who visit my blog. :)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Added a music player to my blog!!!

Step by step trying to figure out how can I improve my blog. Finally added a music player and uploaded a music file to googlepages. There is a tutorial for playing music in your blog. For those still clueless about how to go about doing it, the link is as shown:

I have added a song from my favourite Korean drama show: Lovers in Paris. Hope those who visit my blog will like it.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My Favourite Pastime

Unhappy with my current work, I have often resorted to complaining to friends and colleagues. Over the weekend, I have come across this phrase which I think is a wise advice:

"If something can be changed, work to change it. If it cannot, why worry, be upset and complain?"

Indeed, it is very true but I think one still cannot avoid complaining to vent his/her own unhappiness deep inside. However, I SHALL try to complain less. :P

Thursday, August 30, 2007

New O3 Prince Tennis Racket

Just bought a new racket. Going to test it out this weekend. =)

Monday, August 20, 2007

Which Transformers are U?

Share with me what transformers are U? Mine is as shown.


Take the Transformers Quiz

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

3D Graphics As Hobby

I have set a target for myself: to be a pro in Maya. Now, I am exploring Maya as a hobby and hopefully, one day, I will make it big and join Lucas Animation. Yep, that is my target and resolution for this year.

Some useful Links to some tutorials: